Debbi Nissman Young, President
(617) 921-7774
Interviews & Focus Groups
All programs are designed specifically for you, the client. At the end of the meeting, we want your team to say, "This offsite was designed specifically for us. We focused on the right things. It was an excellent investment of my time."

We start by listening to the sponsoring executive to understand the essence of what he or she would like to accomplish. Then, a subset of the attendees participate in focus groups or one-on-one interviews to learn more about your business, the team dynamics, and possible themes for discussion. The conversations last between 45 (interview) and 90 minutes (focus group) and are kept confidential. The topics discussed range from business issues to interpersonal challenges.

The results of these meetings contribute to the design of the workshop and ensure that the content of the program addresses the issues that are most important. There is a secondary benefit to these meetings - participants begin getting excited about taking two days away from their busy work schedule to attend a meeting that will actually address topics that they care about. By engaging individuals in the planning process, the participants start to "own" the offsite agenda from the very beginning.